
prof. dr. J. Roeters

CategoriesAdhesive dentistry, Esthetic dentistry

TopicsCosmetic dentistry with direct resin composite. Diagnosis and treatment of severe tooth wear. Repair or correction of intra-oral restorations. How to choose and work safely with adhesive materials?

Availability Lecture, Chair, Moderator

Languages English, Dutch


Joost Roeters is professor at special appointment in adhesive dentistry at ACTA, The Netherlands and associate professor at the Department of Cariology and Endodontology of the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His PhD thesis in 1992 was titled ‘Prediction of future caries prevalence in preschool children’. Today, his primary interest is adhesive dentistry with composite resins and their application in aesthetic dentistry. He is involved in research projects and teaching in the use of composite resins in anterior and posterior teeth. Furthermore, he has written several articles and books on this subject. As lecturer he is giving theoretical and practical courses on adhesive dentistry inside and outside The Netherlands.

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